Diaz Isshinryu Karate
Diaz Isshinryu Karate & Kobudo LLC:
your path to a better version of yourself
Dear Families,
At Diaz Isshinryu Karate & Kobudo, we are experts in Traditional Martial Arts Education for children, adults, teens, and families! We teach a character development program focusing on confidence, respect, focus, balance, self-control, and self-discipline.
Our family-oriented school encourages parents to actively participate in the school (dojo) through our classes and family events.
Karate and cardio classes are fun yet challenging for both the body and mind while teaching self-defense skills that enable you to defend yourself in any situation, strengthen your body, and increase flexibility. Whatever your current fitness level, we help you set goals to achieve great health or earn your black belt.
Whether it's learning karate, self-defense, getting in shape, or building self-confidence and discipline, our school delivers on what we promise.
Students stay at our school because our core value programs improve their lives.
When the people of Lawrence and surrounding communities come to Diaz Isshinryu Karate & Kobudo to learn martial arts, they receive not just training but also a staff dedicated to helping them improve themselves.
Dedicated to enhancing our students
Learning a martial art can involve memorizing moves, but at Diaz Isshinryu Karate & Kobudo, we focus on teaching our students much more. Martial arts, in some respects, are a way of life. We don’t mean that certain individuals earn a living from competing or teaching; rather, martial arts represent a way of life because they encourage mindfulness. When you practice a strike, a throw, or an exercise, the goal is to understand your body and become one with the movement. Eventually, the aim is to be completely present in the moment and learn how to access that sense of centeredness when you need it. All the stresses in your life become much more manageable when you know how to find your center and realize that you have the mental tools needed to overcome challenges